Innovative products for agriculture
Tunetanken offers much more than just silos and tanks!
The development and presentation of large and broad-based product programmes, keep our customers’ needs for high-quality covered, providing a large and various supply of products and solutions for fodder and grain storage and management, cultivation, livestock, stables, slurry and manure handling as well as for outdoor facilities and construction.

Innovative products for agriculture
Tunetanken offers much more than just silos and tanks!
The development and presentation of large and broad-based product programmes, keep our customers’ needs for high-quality covered, providing a large and various supply of products and solutions for fodder and grain storage and management, cultivation, livestock, stables, slurry and manure handling as well as for outdoor facilities and construction.
Innovative products for agriculture
Tunetanken offers much more than just silos and tanks!
The development and presentation of large and broad-based product programmes, keep our customers’ needs for high-quality covered, providing a large and various supply of products and solutions for fodder and grain storage and management, cultivation, livestock, stables, slurry and manure handling as well as for outdoor facilities and construction.
Well thought out solutions
We are with you all the way!
Tunetankens’ products are made of fiber-reinforced composite material, which with its unique properties provide unlimited possibilities to produce solutions of the highest quality.
With our flexible material we have the necessary design freedom to develop unique products in accordance to our customers’ needs.
Well thought out solutions
We are with you all the way!
Tunetankens’ products are made of fiber-reinforced composite material, which with its unique properties provide unlimited possibilities to produce solutions of the highest quality.
With our flexible material we have the necessary design freedom to develop unique products in accordance to our customers’ needs.

Industrial solutions
Standard and custom designed industrial solutions in fiber-reinforced composite material.
Tunetanken produces i.a. silos, horisontal and vertical tanks, industrial pipes, chimneys
and modular tanks. Tunetanken also manufactures products that are FCM suitable.

Industrial solutions
Standard and custom designed industrial solutions in fiber-reinforced composite material. Tunetanken produces i.a. silos, horisontal and vertical tanks, industrial pipes, chimneys and modular tanks. Tunetanken also manufactures products that are FCM suitable.
Industrial solutions
Standard and custom designed industrial solutions in fiber-reinforced composite material.
Tunetanken produces i.a. silos, horisontal and vertical tanks, industrial pipes, chimneys
and modular tanks. Tunetanken also manufactures products that are FCM suitable.
Customised solutions
Tunetanken industrial products are designed and developed according to our customers’ special needs.
Our industrial products are primarily produced of materials that to a greater or lesser degree incorporate fiber-reinforced composites. Each product is carefully thought out, so that the unique composite material properties compliment the design. This way our products achieve such advantages as extreme strength, corrosion resistance, chemical resistance and a long life cycle, which together them ideal for management of both dry and liquid contents, chemicals, food, air etc.

Energy efficient solutions
A wide range of efficient, multi-functional and reliable solutions for the energy sector. With more than 50 years of experience we are able to deliver customised solutions i.a. scrubbers, chimneys, smoke and air ducts, wood pellet silos, tanks and basins.

Energy efficient solutions
A wide range of efficient, multi-functional and reliable solutions for the energy sector. With more than 50 years of experience we are able to deliver customised solutions i.a. scrubbers, chimneys, smoke and air ducts, wood pellet silos, tanks and basins.
Energy efficient solutions
A wide range of efficient, multi-functional and reliable solutions for the energy sector. With more than 50 years of experience we are able to deliver customised solutions i.a. scrubbers, chimneys, smoke and air ducts, wood pellet silos, tanks and basins.
More than 50 years of experience
With more than 50 year of experience working with composite materials and their unique advantages, we have secured a market position as the leading Danish manufacturer of tanks, industrial systems and silos made of fiberglass reinforced composite material. Fiber-reinforced composite is more commonly known as “fiberglass”.
At Tunetanken all of our solutions are produced in fiber-reinforced composite material – the same material is used for the manufacturing of bridges, ships, aircrafts and wind turbines. With such advantages as strength, corrosion resistance and long life cycle, the modern composite materials are popular, up-and-coming materials. Safe to say – composite materials, are materials of the future.
More than 50 years of experience
With more than 50 year of experience working with composite materials and their unique advantages, we have secured a market position as the leading Danish manufacturer of tanks, industrial systems and silos made of fiberglass reinforced composite material. Fiber-reinforced composite is more commonly known as “fiberglass”.
At Tunetanken all of our solutions are produced in fiber-reinforced composite material – the same material is used for the manufacturing of bridges, ships, aircrafts and wind turbines. With such advantages as strength, corrosion resistance and long life cycle, the modern composite materials are popular, up-and-coming materials. Safe to say – composite materials, are materials of the future.